Army Ops Dedicated Server Setup

Follow these steps to set up your dedicated server for Army Ops. Ensure your server meets the minimum requirements and you have Windows Server installed.

Download Dedicated Server Files

Server Files are included in the Playtest Build on Steam

Editing the RunServer.bat File

Once you have downloaded and extracted the server files:

  1. Locate the file RunServer.bat in the server directory.
  2. Right-click the file and select Edit.
  3. Add the following configuration commands to the file:
ArmyOpsServer.exe -Name="My Army Ops Server" -MaxPlayers=24 -MaxRounds=9 -MaxPoints=10 -MaxKills=10 -RoundTime=300 -AdminID=12345,67890 -MOTD="Welcome to Army Ops!"

Command Descriptions

Saving and Running the Server

  1. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S.
  2. Close the text editor.
  3. Double-click RunServer.bat to start the server.

Firewall and Port Configuration

Ensure the following ports are open in your firewall and router for the server to function:

Additionally, for Epic Online Services (EOS), open:


If you encounter any issues: